It can be a toss up if your landscape will survive the drought. It has brought many changes to our surrounding landscape. Trees that once flourished are dying, and thick beautiful green lawns are drying up. How can you keep a beautiful landscape despite the climate change and local water regulation. Here's a few tips:

1) Think outside the box and explore options outside of grass. Create more mulch beds, implement rock, or find a drought tolerant ground cover to keep old lawn areas green.

2) Do your research. Look up native plants to California or visit local nurseries for ideas. There are many flowering plants and trees that need little water once established.

3) Install water conserving sprinkler nozzles or perforated drip irrigation. Yes it may be an added expense, but just like insulating your home or using LED light bulbs saves you money... so will this investment! Many local areas allow you to run pressure regulated drip lines everyday.  Drip and water conserving nozzles regulate gallons per minute the system puts out, so it allows better absorption for plants and soil and eliminates water runoff.

Want More Ideas? Find out how a 3D Landscape Design can help you implement these changes today!